I received a notice that the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has plans to combat the Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP) which has been detected on citrus trees near my location in Fallbrook, California. I scanned the letter, it’s a large PDF file of about 10 megabytes. In short, county agents will be spraying…
Continue readingPolitics
U.S.: Bill Introduced to Legalize Industrial Hemp
Ron Paul has introduced H.R. 1866, a bill to exempt industrial hemp from the Controlled Substances Act.
Continue readingPublic knowledge and Patent Reform
Public Knowledge recommends some patent reforms, but is that all there is to public knowledge?
Continue readingCalifornia: Bill to Legalize, Regulate, and Tax Marijuana
It’s been widely reported yesterday, and the reporting is expanding today, that California Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (Democrat-San Francisco) has submitted A.B. 390 to legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana. Once again the Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) has a quick and easy letter you can send to California legislators if you as a citizen of California support…
Continue readingSan Diego County Board of Supervisors, Medical Marijuana, and Waiting to Inhale
San Diego County Board of Supervisors are failing to provide Medical Marijuana ID cards to California patients legally allowed to use marijuana as medicine, and are allegedly sending uniformed assault rifle toting police on Medical Marijuana patients and dispensaries (patients’ caregivers), confiscating their property, and generally, making their lives a living hell.
Continue readingSchool District Funding, high-speed Internet service?
Could local school districts get grants to become competitive broadband ISPs to their surrounding communities?
Continue readingMedical Marijuana IS LEGAL in California!
Please let President Obama know!
Continue readingHealth Care Reform is On The Table?
National Health Care Reform Begins?
Continue readingComplicated voting machines!
Alternate title: My first experience of voting on a Direct Recording Electronic or DRE device. On Nov 7, 2006, upon arrival at the polling place with completed sample ballot in hand, unfamiliar voting machines were visible from the doorway. I asked the poll workers if paper ballots were available. They were! They asked me if…
Continue readingSecrets & Hypocrisy: Never kiss and tell
The hypocrisy of the Executive Branch and their legislative cohorts is stunning. They want secrecy and privacy for their actions, but are unwilling to grant privacy to others. They seem to want citizens to have the perception of privacy, without the reality of privacy. They seem to want corporations to collect extra customer cash from…
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