It appears there’s an effort afoot to change the California Constitution. I noticed this news item yesterday a couple of different times.
Reportedly, the Summit was organized by a business-interest group, the Bay Area Council. Another item that stood out for me was how some reportedly want reform of the initiative process, while it appears they might use the initiative process that exists to make these changes. Is ‘use what they don’t like’ a correct summary of their intent?
Anyway, this is something to keep an eye on. There are statements in the article that Californians are uninvolved in politics, but is this even true? Isn’t every school kid who attends education for at least 13 compulsory school years (without pay) involved in politics for those years? Isn’t everyone who votes involved in politics? Isn’t everyone who pays taxes involved in politics?
Well, I guess that’s my view. Why are we being told we’re not involved, when in some cases we have little choice about our involvement? Does this business group really mean something else?
Via an OpedNews item, a couple of proposed Articles have been submitted to the California Attorney General’s office to allow a special election for the purposes of changing the California Constitution. More information can be found here. A couple of items stood out, at least for me, in one of the proposed Articles.
So they want a shredding service, presumably to destroy papers and the words contained therein to an unrecoverable state, and:
It seems the two placed together create a new definition of openness and transparency that seems defined by secrecy and shredding, and therefore I was reminded once again of Orwell’s term “Doublespeak”.
It also makes me feel that these proposals are likely less “of the people” than the public face on display.
From the same document:
This seems to be a power grab. Ah, I get it. The word “or” in the tenth Amendment is changed somehow to an ordered hierarchy with the use of the word “and”. Here’s text of the U.S Constitution’s 10th Amendment (bolding added by me, cut and paste from wikipedia):
Therefore, powers under the U.S. Constitution’s 10th amendment that are reserved to the people OR the state, would, were this Article to be adopted, be reserved to the people AND the State of California.
It seems the impact of this innocuous little textual change could be quite vast. There seems to be a lot of Internet-based information related to 10th Amendment power and States’ Rights, right now, that claim that States are trying to get power back from the Federal Government, but this particular textual change seems to take power from citizens as a response.
While it might seem trivial and certainly is hypothetical, Would my right to take a ginger bath possibly be challenged by the State of California, were the state to decide that ginger baths were not good for anyone to take?
Another thing to consider is how that would affect a citizen’s 9th Amendment rights? Does the use of this Article’s AND conjunction tread into citizens’ unenumerated rights when power is used to achieve an objective?